Clear case of 'The Pot calling the Kettle Black'?
A Jan. 15 interview with the Indian Catholic, the Internet news service of the Catholic Bishopsâ™ Conference of India, Archbishop Pascal Topno of Bhopal said that he had nothing against âœsurua namaskarâ or other Hindu rituals, but questioned the Madhya Pradesh government's decision to make the practice compulsory in all government schools and colleges.
"People from other communities should be given the freedom and the choice to say â˜noâ™ to it," said Archbishop Topno, acknowledging that the Catholic Church had not received any direct orders from the government mandating the practice.
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What right has the Catholic Church to convert the Hindu Indians?
How many Hindu temples do we know of in Italy, the home of the Catholic Church?
Does not converting Hindus, in their homeland, to Catholocism and then making such statements amount to 'The Pot calling the Kettle Black'?
In India, the moral of Cathos is highest today, thanx to the Congress Prez, an anti Indian Italiano-- Antonia Maino of Orbassano.They can get away with murder, remember the Crook Quattrochhi ?
The sad part is that the congee Hindoos are seeing & clapping the evil woman's excessess against Hindoos.
If the Catho priests do not intensify their conversion activities now, when will they do it ?
No one will be coverted unless they believe the beliefs. Nothing will happen to the priests for not not getting a convert.
So, what your saying is - that not having a compulsory Hindu ritual in school will force people into Catholicism? Why not into other religions?
I am a Catholic, and I don't think Catholicism is that insidious. All you're worried about is the threat of other religions on Hinduism. There are Hindu temples in Italy. Look at
Isn't that a bit of a leap? I'm not sure how a protest against any compulsory religion in government schools is an attempt to convert people to Catholicism. I'm against prayer in school here in the US, but I'm not trying to convert people to *my* religion.
ya know, I was thinkin about that at a red light, just the other day !
You would be surprised how many Hindu temples there are outside of India. I am not required to worship at one. Neither would I expect any of them to go to Mass with me. I think that the Bishop has a valid point in view of enlightened society.
It's amazing how religions like to call for no government preference when trying to get a foothold into an area, but turn around and call for government preference when they are the majority.
I think that in the US, we only got religious neutrality because there were so many violently opposing religions around at the time. They actually wrote into the Constitution that government should not make laws favoring religion. However, these days, the same religions have more political power and have changed their tune, demanding that government show them preference.
Religions will do anything to get ahead, including using government to promote themselves and tromping on people's rights.
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