Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Social services will i know if my children are on the at risk register?

if social services call a case conference are my children on the register do i have any rights to know

You'll have to be there, so you'll hardly NOT know.

Social Services Will tell you if all or any of your children are on the "at risk" register.

A case conference could be to determine if your children should be on the register, and if so which ones or all of them, you will know - as you will be told.

You must be having social services involvement at the moment for a case conference to of been called - therefore ask them any questions you have.

If your children do get put on the register, there will be a review at certain intervals and a "Plan Of Action" paper to help you.

The medical records of the children will be red flagged so the GP knows as well, along with (depending on age) Health Visitors, and School.

They are all there to help you....

Yes you must be informed if a case conference is being held to discuss your children and you must be informed of any decisions.

You should be invited to be present, however depending on the circumstances (and only in exceptional cases) you may not be allowed to be present. Talk to the social worker who is handling your case.

Ask your social worker. But if you have to ask that question I seriously suggest you look at your lifestyle and parenting and ask yourself why there might be a possibility of this. Do you want to lose your children? If not you'd better make the changes they suggest to you.

With sentence structure that well planned out, probably not.

You should be at the case conference so you will be informed

the case conference will decide if your children will need to go on the register

yes you do. you would be told if they were on the at risk register and the reason why


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