Saturday, March 14, 2009

How much troble can I get into for prank calling people?

yeah well I've been prank calling people through this Internet phone service thing and conference calling them with other people. How much trouble can you get into for prank calling someone?

Harassment is a serious crime.

hope u'll get arrested for this.

no trouble at all.. prank calls are cool!!!!

and 100% legal

As some have said on here you can get into some trouble depending on how far the victim is willing to take it, and what is said during the call. Threats are now REALLY serious. Also, calls that cause emergency personnel to be called are taken seriously as they may endanger the life of a person who actually needs them. With technology as it is, it is not hard to locate you even if you block your Caller ID information. IP information can be tracked and the police can actually get direct contact information and address information from your Internet Service Provider and VoIP provider to follow up investigations.

Some instances may fall under felony charges and may be considered internet fraud. Others may charge harassment. If you are calling businesses, they may decide to file charges and sue you civilly for lost revenues. It can become expensive for you and may also leave you with a criminal record.

for reals, how do u use the internet phone and how can i acquire one? i used to prank call waay back when i was younger and never got in trouble.

wow thats real mature...whats next toilet papering the neighbors trees?

Legally, there isn't much trouble you can get into. However you can be sued and cops are not above accidentally letting the person know where the phone calls came from. Oh, and if they people find you, I hope they rape you in the butt you worthless little *******

depends if u threaten them, and such, then it can be pretty serious, but if its just the general pranks i doubt people would take the time to try to bust u

caller ID killed the prank call.

thats an old art my friend.


Good times.


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