Friday, March 27, 2009

Advice on business deal regarding part ownership for services?

I had a conference call with a company/website who are looking to use my services on the project in return for 4% ownership. So far the project has $22 Million in investment and will be launched this year they will also be getting another $30 Million in what they called "Series A" investment in 2009. They expect the site will be huge by summer 2010. I'm not receiving a salary on the project and can not sell my share until at least 2010.

Now according to the sites CEO this is common place because so far all the money in the project is investment so no revenue is being generated as yet, although he says I can use my shares as an asset based on the current value of the project so 4% or $22M now and $52M in 2009.

Its basically a consultants role so not a lot of hands on work so I'll probably go for it but based on the model can anybody give me an idea of how to deal with it other then sell as quick as I can in 2010.

Find the nicest business attorney you can

and take the proposal to that atty for

contractual protection.



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