Friday, March 13, 2009

How much trouble can I get into for Prank Calling?

Hey well I use a Internet phone service called Skype to prank people, and conference call them together with businesses. My number isn't displayed on caller ID. Is there any way that what I'm doing can be traced, and if so how much trouble can I get into for doing it?

ultimately, if the people you're pranking are determined enough, the call can be traced but only through the company skype

hope this helps :)

and if you get the chance, please sign my guestmap, thanx :)


Heaps DONT do it.

Your privaliges for any type of phone service should be taken from you. I hope you go to prison for fifty years and do not have access to a phone. Well, maybe they could give you a phone where you can only get incalling prank calls. No personal calls.

Yes you can be traced, but unless you are continuously harassing someone and they record it, they cant do jack. In fact usually they must inform their phone service about it when you are on the line so their service company can hear it and record it. Just stop making them and never threaten anyone, thats a whole different story.


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